Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sharing Dreams

(A beautiful poem written by Venus, a friend of mine who shares with me some dreams for the people of God in the Philippines)

‘Tis no chance when two souls meet
sharing dreams where only sky is the limit
blessing each other with a heart that hears
each carrying seeds that one day will be ready for the sowing

I dream of a quiet little place
in some nook of even the poorest parish
where the motherless child finds a mother
and the childless widow an infant son or daughter

I dream of a simple little abode
where the mother and her young look after the old
where the old can grow old gracefully
and one day shall pass away with dignity

I dream of a vibrant little community
where the chuckle of a mother, the laughter of children,
and the sigh of a happy old woman in bearable pain
blend like chorus singing their way to heaven

I dream of a quiet little place
where care becomes the air to breathe
where money does not have the final say
when one’s end is but a few steps away

I dream of a caring little place
that respects the life of the very sick
and the nature of the Life-giver to bless
especially in the dark and at the hour of death

I dream of faithful gentle carers who value life to the full
and not give up loving when things get so difficult
but in humility squeeze the sufferer’s hand in prayer
the gentle touch of God like a torrent of care

I dream of generous people with hearts
bigger than their homes and savings account
whose giving overflows from the well of compassion
the glory and love of God the ultimate reason

I dream of the day when every parish community
look upon their abandoned young and old
their sick and their lonely, their homeless and their poor
and create for them a space as if near heaven’s door

-vbg Nov. 23, 2006-

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